Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dishonesty in The Importance of Being Earnest

One of the main themes in the play The Importance of Being Earnest is dishonesty. In the play, Oscar Wilde there is occasionly s selection of epigrams. An epigram is a brief, clever and memorable statement. An example of one is "the truth is rarely plain and never simple." This is the opposite of what we would think. The truth is always pure and usually never plain. The satire that occurs in this play has a lot to do with which class people were in. The rich, such as Lady Bracknell, only appreciate those who have great fourtune. Because she didn't know Cecily had a large profit she didn't like her. When she Lady Bracknell asked how much funding she had, Lady Bracknell soon had high respect for Cecily. Also since Jack was left at birth, Lady Bracknell did not like the thought of him not having high class parent. The name Ernest verses the trait to be earnest has to do with the pursuit of pleasure. Jack and Algernon both use Ernest for their own enjoyment and to have fun while not being earnest at all.

I believe with the theme being dishonesty, Oscar Wilde is saying that during the Victorian Era upper class people rarely told the truth if ever. Men could have a wife but go to a different women for pleasure. During this era, it seems that people didn't explain their true feelings or emotions. Lady Bracknell suspected the entire time that "bunburying" was not real but doesn't come out clearly accusing him of anything. When Gwendolyn and Cecily find out both of their Ernests' aren't really called Ernest they simply forgave them. This is a stereotype of women during the Victorian Era saying that they are indecisive and forgive easily. It also feels like Oscar Wilde was saying that women and men don't care about the connections between each other, just the fun.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Animal Farm Project Viewings!

Name: Hailey
Type of project: Poem
Literary elements: I thought Hailey's poem was very good. Her stanzas were clear and I knew exactly what she was talking about. She shows most important events that go on.

Name: Levi
Type of project: Movie
Literary elements: Levi's project is the best. He needs to show this in front of the class and explain how her made it! He used all of the elements needed and made it very entertaining to watch.

Name: Leanna
Type of project: Flyer
Literary Elements: Leanna displayed the theme and parallels very clearly. Very clear ideas!

Name: Annie
Project: Movie trailer
Literary elements: Annie and Austin did a one of a kind project that is unlike any I've seen so far. It gives you a re cap of the book and it's obvious they worked hard on it.

Name: Adora
Project: Poem
Literary elements: Adora's poem was deep. I could just picture Benjamin reciting it. She presented the theme through the poem.

Name: Daniel
Project: Drawing
Literary elements: In Daniel's drawing he shows the parallels to the Russian Revolution through the character drawn. The only thing I don't think he showed was foreshadowing.

Name: Angela
Project: Collage
Litterary elements: She successfully shows the seperation of power which is the theme and shows irony.

Name: Dan
Project: Comic strip
Literary elements: Dan shows the theme in the comic but doesn't show anything about the Russian Revolution

Name: Kayla
Project: Comic strip
Literary elements: This comic proved the corruption of power and paralleled this event to the entire theme. I liked this one!

Name: Giselle
Project: Slide show/diagram
Literary elements: This was a creative project. It gave a more sophisticate approach. She included the theme and did a very good job.

I think I did comparable to most of my classmates. Some of the projects I felt I did better work than and there were a couple that were above my work. I put a lot of thought and time into what I did for my project. I chose to do the pyramid of animal and human power because that is what Animal Farm is about. The theme, parallels and irony make the book. Instead of doing just one pyramid, I added a second one. The second pyramid I drew was the Human pyramid. With the colors I used it showed which characters were similar to the past times of Stalin.

Extra credit Blog: New Year's Resolution

Every year I make a list of New Year's resolutions that never end up being persued. This year I'm going to actually stick with what I have set, for the entire year of 2011. I have put a lot of thought into what my resolution should be and I finally came up with more of a fitness goal. My resolution is to continue eating healthy and to exercise everyday or every other day. Being fit and staying healthy is important to me for a couple different reasons. The first reason is because when I workout I feel better mentally and emotionally. Secondly, eating healthy is better for your body. A lot of packaged food has ingredients to make it not spoil as quickly and when we eat that food the unnatural ingredients go into our bodies. Thirdly, high school soccer is my main sport. During fall we'd been playing five days a week but now I've had such a long break between sports that I want to stay in shape. I know I will be able to make this resolution successful because I've made a planner and have gotten my family to do it with me. The more support the better. Past years I have made academic goals but this year I don't find
it is needed. High school has proven my skills and I am right where I want to be.