Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Informal Diction!

This weekend was very cool. I started off by seeing my bro for a nice chill session. He's in college in Canada so I don't see him much. Then he left me to go see his sqeezetoy, Eveyln so I was annoyed with him. So he was gone for hours and I was kinda bored but it was all better when my 'rents got home and made us some chow. I was starved after spending the day at my hiz and not eating a bit of anything.

After we had supper, my homegirl Leanna came over and we watched a rockin' film called To Kill a Mockingbird. I really liked how much it was like the book. It's probably the movie that is most like the book. When we were near the end, I had fallen to some deep z's while my nut of a friend went along watchin' it. The next mornin' we went to the mall in our footie pajama's which was ober embarassing. That's something I will never do again!

Saturday, October 23, 2010


When I was eighth grade, I wrote Different. This was my first large writing assignment that required me to hours at a time, perfecting the piece as the weeks went by. The story is about a boy who is harassed everyday because of his sexuality. Looking back and reading it, I am actually very proud of how it turned out. It was quite a mature topic if I do say so myself. I start the book out with Journal Entry #1 which is him writing about his day and how he can't deal with the pain of being made fun of. I use, "I can't do this. I can't always be the one who is the center of each conversation I hear in the hallway" to draw in my readers and show how hard of a time Bailey had everyday. Throughout the short story there are four journal entries. I liked the way I used Bailey writing in his journal and narrating, to portray information. My class did so much with the short stories including, writing draft after draft, making cover art and even making a podcast. Writing my short story Different, I learned writing takes sweet time but it is worth it in the end. My family enjoyed my writing along with my classmates. Of course glancing back, I realize mistakes I could have fixed, which illustrates what I have learned over the summer and in English so far.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Catcher in the Rye

When I first sat down with this book, I knew that I had to choose it to read. One simple reason why is because I understand it. Although The Catcher in the Rye uses some words I don't understand I was able to read more to figure out what it means. Another reason was because I enjoyed the intro. Never before have I read a book where the character doesn't start out describing themselve or even giving small facts about their lives in the beginning. So far pretty much all I know is Holder Caulfield is a rebel who was kicked out of his prep school because of bad grades. Overall, I really like this J.D. Salinger novel.
Even those who aren't children have a childish side. This theme statement might be something I want to use in my creative project. Holden Caulfield is a sarcastic guy who acts like a ten year-old. He is older than ten but still has some characteristics of a young boy. For my creative project I want to make a movie because I think that would be the most fun to watch and I would get to use some of my best talents in it.
A book I've read that reminds me of The Catcher in the Rye is The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. The main comparison is two of the characters. In The Outsiders, Dallas Winston is a member of the Greasers who laughs at the everything, even rules or laws. With Holden, he jokes around and doesn't follow the rule of getting good grades so he was forced to not attend Pencey any longer. If anyone tries as hard as possible they will have success in what they strive but you have to want it and be serious about wanting it.