Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Informal Diction!

This weekend was very cool. I started off by seeing my bro for a nice chill session. He's in college in Canada so I don't see him much. Then he left me to go see his sqeezetoy, Eveyln so I was annoyed with him. So he was gone for hours and I was kinda bored but it was all better when my 'rents got home and made us some chow. I was starved after spending the day at my hiz and not eating a bit of anything.

After we had supper, my homegirl Leanna came over and we watched a rockin' film called To Kill a Mockingbird. I really liked how much it was like the book. It's probably the movie that is most like the book. When we were near the end, I had fallen to some deep z's while my nut of a friend went along watchin' it. The next mornin' we went to the mall in our footie pajama's which was ober embarassing. That's something I will never do again!

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