Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Catcher in the Rye

When I first sat down with this book, I knew that I had to choose it to read. One simple reason why is because I understand it. Although The Catcher in the Rye uses some words I don't understand I was able to read more to figure out what it means. Another reason was because I enjoyed the intro. Never before have I read a book where the character doesn't start out describing themselve or even giving small facts about their lives in the beginning. So far pretty much all I know is Holder Caulfield is a rebel who was kicked out of his prep school because of bad grades. Overall, I really like this J.D. Salinger novel.
Even those who aren't children have a childish side. This theme statement might be something I want to use in my creative project. Holden Caulfield is a sarcastic guy who acts like a ten year-old. He is older than ten but still has some characteristics of a young boy. For my creative project I want to make a movie because I think that would be the most fun to watch and I would get to use some of my best talents in it.
A book I've read that reminds me of The Catcher in the Rye is The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. The main comparison is two of the characters. In The Outsiders, Dallas Winston is a member of the Greasers who laughs at the everything, even rules or laws. With Holden, he jokes around and doesn't follow the rule of getting good grades so he was forced to not attend Pencey any longer. If anyone tries as hard as possible they will have success in what they strive but you have to want it and be serious about wanting it.

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