Monday, November 1, 2010

Recipe to a successful paragraph!

In order to write a wonderful 5 part paragraph, you first need to make it clear about what you are going to write about. In your topic sentence, it is good to have a hook to make the person continue reading along with a small amount of background information. After you have chosen the topic you should find concrete details. In the theme paragraph we used quotes as our concrete details so with the quotes make sure they are related and go along with what you are writing about. After you have the quotes, add in some commentary that does not restate the quote and have it be your own thoughts. When you have all of this together add in some clear transitions indicating that you are switching topics. Finally you should make a conclusion that sums up your paper but does not repeat what you said in your topic sentence.

The thing I put down as a weakness in my journal about other papers was people not being clear enough, lack of transitions and spelling errors. The papers that were not clear enough we ones that had quotes that did not relate or overused words. To improve my writing skills I shall continue to make multiple drafts in the process and realize that you can keep on editing a paper and it will always have something somebody else sees that they would have fixed. When I write my next 5 part paragraph I want to list all of what I am going to write about such as the commentary and concrete details before I jump in and write it.

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